This database, developed and maintained by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Connecting Activities initiative, is used by a variety of youth employment and internship programs across Massachusetts.
The centerpiece of the database is the Work-Based Learning Plan section. This section captures information about participants` structured work experiences. When users sign in, they can complete Work-Based Learning Plans online, as well as generate summary reports and find examples of related job descriptions. Work-Based Learning Plan screens include:
The database also captures information about career awareness and exploration activities sponsored by schools and other organizations, such as job shadowing programs, career fairs, company tours, and other activities designed to help youth plan for their futures. The data collection about these kinds of activities contributes to the evolving systems of Career Development Education (CDE) offered across the state. This kind of data is recorded in the "Activities" section of the database, which also offers an "Activity List" where program staff can browse to get ideas from their colleagues.
From the information gathered in the database, the Connecting Activities initiative is able to provide a summary of the landscape of career development education activities across Massachusetts. Summary-level information is aggregated to provide total counts statewide and by region, along with examples of career development activities, job descriptions and skills. (Individual information is always confidential, with examples of job descriptions, skills, activities and other details shared as allowed by the database user.) The database provides a valuable tool for managing information about your own program and for getting inspiration from what other schools and programs are doing throughout Massachusetts.
The database is available for use by any Massachusetts youth employment/internship program and/or career development program. Simply fill out the database registration form to sign up to use the database. See the "Database Sharing and Privacy" details for information about how to share information with colleagues in your program.